The role of plant sterols in dietary control of high plasma cholesterol levels

  • Editorial Office


There is irrefutable evidence that high cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). The first approach to lowering cholesterol levels is through lifestyle changes such as dietary modification, increased exercise and weight loss (if overweight). Changing to a more plant-based diet, low in cholesterol and saturated fats, is usually the first change recommended by physicians. However, most of us are not psychologically or practically able to comply with such lifestyle changes over the long term. New ideas are needed to improve the cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary interventions, including the development of healthier foods.
How to Cite
Office, E. (1). The role of plant sterols in dietary control of high plasma cholesterol levels. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved from
Editorials, Opinions, Issues in the field of Nutrition