Food and beverage marketing to children in South Africa: mapping the terrain

  • Shahida Banu Cassim University of KwaZulu Natal
Keywords: food and beverage marketing, children, South Africa


The prevalence of overweight and obesity, particularly in children, raises serious attention to its causes and possible interventions. Food marketing to children has in recent years come under scrutiny as one of the putative factors responsible for the rising rates of obesity among children. This article addresses the global evidence base on the issue and explores policy interventions practised in the more developed world as well as the local challenges in dealing with the issue in South Africa. South African policymakers have a wide range of policy options based on international practice in committing to the health and well-being of its children.

Author Biography

Shahida Banu Cassim, University of KwaZulu Natal
Professor, Marketing, School of Management
How to Cite
Cassim, S. (2010). Food and beverage marketing to children in South Africa: mapping the terrain. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 23(4), 181-185. Retrieved from
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